William's Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Evelyn's Third Birthday

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Friday, April 30, 2010

Baby Talk

Jason felt the baby move last night for the first time. The baby had been quiet but I thought what the heck and put his hand on my belly. not 30 seconds later the baby gave a whooper of a kick!
(S)he was active for a little while and J tried to play but the baby didn't respond to Jason's pokes too much it's a little early for that yet but he had a great time trying!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

House hunting

Things have been quiet on the house hunting recently. we have been looking but not seeing anything that we really like. Today Jason sent me one that he really liked. You could tell he liked it a lot because he sent it to me even though it was in a place that he didn't want to purchase a house. There were several problems that I saw with the house the largest being there was ONE bathroom - and 4 bedrooms. Really who builds a house with one bedroom and four bathrooms??! not even a half bath. So I mention that and look up where the house is in the town. IT IS RIGHT DOWNTOWN - I used to drive pretty close to it to get to work. I did a walk near there and J was concerned that I would be in the park in that area - and he wants to move there. Yeah great location babe, So I said no. Hopefully this will be the end of it.

I did send him one that I liked though it was on a busier road than I would have liked. He never commented on it so I'm pretty sure that it got the axe - too bad it's in a good school district (Penfield).

On the plus side one (and only slightly off topic) of my friends found a house and are moving! I'm so excited for them though we will miss their daughter at daycare. Luckily it is locally so we can still do play dates. Evelyn needs more play dates!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Week 19!

This week my baby is a

A protective coating now coats baby's skin, shielding it from the amniotic fluid. (Picture yourself after a nine-month bath, and the need for protection makes sense.) You might actually get to see the vernix (the protective coating) at birth, especially if baby is premature (I hope not!!).

Total weight gain/loss: up a lot definitely gaining quicker this time though I am still behind my weight with Eve because I started much lower.

Maternity clothes? Yes.

Stretch marks? No.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good depending on Evelyn!

Best moment this week: Movement has been getting more regular.

Movement: Starting to feel him/her a little more frequently!

Food cravings: soft pretzels and nacho cheese.

Symptoms: Still symptom free!

Gender: I think it is a boy and J has not said. If you have a guess vote here :)

Labor Signs: No thank goodness baby is being good and cooking ;)

Belly Button in or out? Slowly flattening out.

What I miss: Being able to clean.

What I am looking forward to: Anatomic Ultrasound 5/6, getting closer!

Weekly Wisdom: Eat what you crave - it means your body is lacking a nutrient that the craved food provides :)

Milestones: Feeling more regular activity! I love the little love kicks and punches :)


Nutrition is a constant battle in our house. Jason is big on salt intake which is not necessarily a bad thing however he does not seem to believe in moderation in anything else (well ok veggies). This causes constant problems between us. he is willing to let me eat half a gallon of ice cream with out commenting (Ok I have never really done this) but If I eat something with 500 mg of sodium I'm not eating nutritionally and I get a lecture on how I need to take care of myself and the baby and eat more nutritiously. Sigh I can't even have cravings with out feeling guilty. This would be a lot easier to take from him if his diet was at all healthy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earthday!

and what a day it was! Poor Evelyn and Jason are sick - Evelyn seems to mostly be over her cold but the pink eye is still there and now she has an ear infection. I got to work early only to find out that I had to wait for the guard to get there- luckily he came before he was supposed to.

I got in and got some work done before the food came then I needed a way into the conference room and it took me a while to find someone who had a key as there is no one there that early. I finally found someone (thanks Alex for helping me!) then set up the food. I didn't bother with the room since the speaker had canceled and the other physician didn't think he could do and adequate job. then I went to get some other things done before people were supposed to arrive. I got sidetracked with a co-worker trying to explain to her what had happened - her morning was about as good as mine. When I made it back downstairs the room had been rearranged. My coworker had apparently not read her e-mail and fixed the room for me. She must have thought I was nuts for setting up the food and leaving the room as is.

It was after all that a good breakfast and only 4 people showed though I wonder how many didn't show because they just were not going to vs. the ones who got the e-mail at 9pm.

the rest of my day was fairly productive though I had to leave to get Evelyn to the doctor. I have to admit that despite the fact that she is ill it was nice to see her in the middle of my day. at the doctor's office she didn't do so well she hates when they scrape the wax out of her ear and the doctor had to do that. Then when the doctor checked her throat she threw up. Poor kid hates that too.

Once we got home she went right down to nap (nope I didn't even change her though I cleaned her up) She was asleep as soon as she was in the crib. Daddy changed her after the nap. I went to get her medicine but didn't want to wait 30 min so I just dropped it off and went to work while my sickies slept. J called me when she got up and asked me to go to target.

Of course while I was there I had to get her new jammies for the summer :) once I got home Evelyn and I played a little and she even perked up to go outside a little while. She didn't eat well at dinner at all and wouldn't take a bath with out me. She did go to bed supper early we shall see how long that lasts. What a day...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

almost dosen't count.

One of my neighbor's favorite sayings that she learned from her mother is that almost doesn't count - or maybe it's near misses don't count. Well you get the idea. Today was one of those days. My work day was long and just sucked. Then on the way home I was within a foot or two of being in a car accident. Yeah almost doesn't count but it scares the shit out of you some times. I stopped within a foot or 2 (ok it may have been more but it felt like less) of the car in front of me's back passenger door on the highway. Lucky for me the person behind me was also not someone who rode bumpers (or at least didn't today) so she also stopped in plenty of time - I don't think there was actually a car damaged in the incident though the one in front of me may have hit the guard rail. I was glad to get home today and just play with Evelyn. Her laughing certainly helped my mood improve.

Week 18!

This week my baby is a

My baby is now a Sweet Potato! At approximately 5.6 inches and 6.7 ounces. The baby is now yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And I have started to feel it. what a wonderful and distracting feeling :)

Total weight gain/loss: up a lot definitely gaining quicker this time though I am still 6 lbs behind my weight with Eve.

Maternity clothes? Yes I started at 15 weeks so I would not stretch out my "regular" clothing.

Stretch marks? no.

Sleep: Sleeping pretty good!

Best moment this week: Movement has started!!

Movement: Starting to feel him/her a little more frequently!

Food cravings: Salty goodness.

Symptoms: None at this point!

Gender: I think it is a boy and J has not said. If you have a guess vote here :) http://www.expectnet.com/games/BabeBeePool

Labor Signs: Not even close!!

Belly Button in or out? Still the same (in).

What I miss: Being able to clean sadly.

What I am looking forward to: Anatomic Ultrasound 5/6!

Weekly Wisdom: Yes, people are going to look at you and ponder if you are pregnant of if that's just a beer gut ;O)

Milestones: Feeling more activity! I love the little love kicks and punches :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

My camera.

So for half of a day I lost my camera. I figured that I would find it eventually as I have a nasty little habit of loosing things but J tends to get upset about these things - well I do miss it too...

Anyway we looked all over and after an hour I gave up and went to bed. Jason ended up finding it in the couch. Yeah I did look there. Clearly my powers of observation are being effected. Oh well I did get a clean house out of the deal :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010


So I went out on some errands while Evelyn was asleep today for her nap. I went to the library to find the next book in a series that I am reading. I managed to find that one and a few more books and drop some off for mom, when on the way home I was struck by the sudden urge for bagels. I had talked my self out of it (pretty much) when said to myself "I don't really need a bagel do I?". The baby responded by poking me...

I got the bagels...

Friday, April 16, 2010


Today I am feeling utterly useless. I really can't seem to do anything at this point. After the last time I used cleaners with the window open and vent fan on and still managed to get a headache I am bowing to Jason's preference not to use cleaners. I could pick up more but If I start to clean up after Jason in the kitchen he tells me to get out. It's actually somewhat depressing

The one that got away...

Jason found a great house. It looked great and was big enough and was in great shape - It would not have needed work. Unfortunately when J tried to set up a viewing he found out that there was already an offer in. They listed the house and got an offer on the same day :(. So back to searching houses that just aren't right and hoping that we can get in the next one quicker. SIGH...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby Pool!


I have set up a baby pool for people to guess gender and such! We find out on May 6th so put your guess in now! This is free, unlike a traditional pool, so you don't need to pay to take a guess just enter in some information (name and guesses) if you feel so inclined you can add where you are located and how we know each other for fun :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Computer Problems

So I fried my computer. Never have I had computer problems like this before though if i had I'm sure I would have just gotten a new one (it is at least 6 years old and has been acting up for a little while now). But Jason is fixing it for me and spending a considerable time doing it. I honestly would like to tell him to forget it at least for now we certainly have more pressing issues at hand however I don't think that would be received well. He has gotten it to reboot and needs to reinstall software so hopefully he is almost done, I'm missing the computer in some ways but am not too bad the only down side is that I need to download my pictures and I don't think he wants me to use his computer so I wait and just take more pictures...

On the bright side maybe when he is done I will again be able to upload pictures to facebook!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Since Evelyn is finally speaking I thought I would post some of her words.

"uh - oh" She uses this A LOT!
"wow" still an occasional word
"Ba" (sheep) - her first after mama and dada
"Ma Ma"
"Da Da"

She also says "woof" when asked what a dog says and "moo" for a cow.

She has quite a few of signs now which we love I just need to teach her "I'm" Sorry for when she bites me. The last week she seems to think I have turned into a teether :P. Oddly she does not bite daddy just mommy, just something to work on. She is getting very good at please (sometimes unprompted) and thank you! The first time she used thank you was at grandpa's memorial for the sweet lady to picked up her lovey and gave it back to her.

Please - though J found the wrong sign so I guess we are using our own...
Thank you
drink (water)
Squirrel (used only once or twice)

This is a good website for looking up signs for anyone interested though you can only search for 5 (10 if you are registered)unless you pay. I figure if I can learn 5 per day I am in good shape :)


Another good sight though it is a little harder to find words.


What other signs should we work on???

Week 17!

Average length 5.1 inches and 5.9 OZ! Baby's skeleton is hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. This means it is possible to feel the baby move! I love feeling the random pokes. The umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

Picture to come...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dr appointment

Today I went to the OB to see how the baby is growing. I love going to the doctor and hearing the heartbeat. I'm glad I don't have a dopler at home because i would listen to it all night! Anyway the heartbeat is great at 150 and the baby is growing as expected. I gained less weight and am happy with that. We shall see how the trend goes. All in all it was a good day :)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

16 weeks

Vegetable of the week...

My baby is now an Avocado!!! At approximately 4.6 inches and 3.5 ounces the baby is growing quickly. This week the baby's tiny bones in the ear are forming he/she can probably hear better than mommy, even through the uterus! Eyebrows lashes and hair are starting to fill in and taste buds are forming! The limbs are lengthening and have almost reached birth proportions!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

I hope Everyone had a wonderful Easter. This year was a busy one with a trip to the park, an Easter egg hunt and a super yummy dinner. Evelyn posted all about it and I don't want to re-post for those who read her blog.