William's Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Evelyn's Third Birthday

Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Girl Sout Trip to Peru

Evelyn and I have been in Girl Scouts since she was in third grade and she joined as a brownie.  The next year I became a volunteer with the troop.  Now I am co-leader of the troop which has given us both wonderful learning experiences.

Recently an opportunity has come up to travel with the Girl Scouts and EF Educational Tours on an adventure to Peru in August 2024.  This trip is an opportunity for both Evelyn and I to explore our world in a way we have never had the opportunity for before. We would spend 11 days exploring Lima, Cuzco and The Sacred Valley including Machu Picchu.  As with any Girl Scout trip, this will also involve a community service project so that we can make our world a better place in a meaningful way for the community! Unfortunately, I do not have any details on the project at this time as the determine the project much closer to when we are on our trip to ensure maximum impact for the project.

With the great opportunity also comes a high cost so I am reaching out to you to see if you would be willing to donate funds to help us go on this trip. EF Tours has a fundraising page for both Evelyn and I, if you are able to donate to the travel fund we would appreciate it, any amount will help!

I am very excited to see Macho Picchu, learn about the community and culture in Peru, and explore the world a bit more. -Evelyn

Evelyn's Page:


My Page:


Thank you for your consideration and help in sending us on this amazing journey.

I have started a Facebook page for anyone interested in following our experience from preparing and fundraising for the trip to photos on the trip:


Saturday, June 20, 2015

Week #31

This week the baby is as big as a

(S)he's about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long and weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds this month. (S)he's getting so big, (s)he is crowding my lungs. All five of baby’s senses are now fully developed! He also keeps getting smarter. Though I am getting more absent minded and forgetful. Hello “pregnancy brain”. From 31 weeks on, the symptoms should be about the same -- some may get worse, some may become bearable.
Total weight gain/loss: a ton...

Stretch marks: I'm so big now I don't really notice.

Sleep: Sleeping a lot and still very tired.  But I also wake up a lot at night.

Best moment this week: Realizing I only have 9 weeks left. Single Digits!!!

Movement: lots of movement

Food cravings: Chinese food.

Symptoms: lower back pain especially when I try to sleep.  Needing to go to the bathroom a lot. Fatigue.

Gender: boy. I guess?

Labor Signs: no thankfully.

What I miss: Not having to worry about what I am eating and exercising.

What I am looking forward to: Holding my baby.

Weekly Wisdom: One day at a time.

Milestones: Single digits! Only 9 weeks until the due date!

Feelings: Excited to be so close!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Week #27

This week the baby is a 

At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, she's not just getting bigger, she's getting smarter. Baby is practising inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs getting ready to breath outside the womb. It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex.

Total weight gain/loss: A lot

Maternity clothes: Yes and Jason's t shirts at night.  Poor guy is going to run out with me and the kids taking his shirts to sleep in!

Stretch marks: Yup. On my tummy and on my breasts.

Sleep:  Doing OK.  I am still very tired and need a lot of sleep.  The pain is not keeping me up as much :)

Best moment this week: Being done with the glucose tolerance test.

Movement: Lots of movement. As a bonus any time I start to worry the baby moves!

Food cravings: Eggs Omelets in the morning, egg salad sandwich.  And doughnuts on Friday though I did manage to avoid actually eating them.  I went to Moes instead...

Symptoms: lower back and hip pain still mostly at night or when o sit down just not when I sit to work. Getting up from reading to the kids is very pain full so I try to read in my room then have them walk to their rooms so I don't have to get up.

Gender: Thinking boy now due to the size.

Labor Signs: Hope fully not for at least 11 more weeks.

Belly Button in or out: flat

What I miss: gardening, bending and also getting up from squatting with out difficulty.

What I am looking forward to: summer and being more active.

Weekly Wisdom: Do what you can soon even that may be to hard but don't give up every thing either.

Milestones: The glucose test -the drink was as awful as I remember if not worse.

Feelings:  Mixed and chaotic. I have had a few bad times but am mostly happy if not worried.

Seeing the baby move

Today Evelyn and William got to see the baby move in my belly for the first time. As I was reading them a bed time story the baby started moving a lot. Rather than putting their hands on my belly as I normally do, I told them to watch.  I could see as soon as Evelyn saw the movement as her eyes lit up and she smiled.  William had a similar reaction immediately starting to define what he saw.  I love having them so excited.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Week #24

This week the baby is a 

Cantaloupe! Your 10.5-to-11.8-inch fetus weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces and every week she gets closer and closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world.  At week 24, baby's progress is no longer just about internal stuff, it's about her looks too. With pinker, more opaque skin, she's looking more and more, well, like a baby. You, on the other hand, are probably experiencing some of the discomforts of the later months of pregnancy at week 24 -- leg cramps, backaches, swollen feet.

Total weight gain/loss: 8 lbs in 4 weeks seems a bit much maybe I can give up the decaff and omelette and go with tea and Yogurt with Granola.

Maternity clothes: I even need to switch my underwear at this point!

Stretch marks: Not that I can see.

Sleep: I have more energy during the day but am exhausted by the time the kids are in bed.  I am getting up more to go to the bathroom and still with some pain.

Best moment this week:

Movement: There seem to be lulls when i am active but the baby is moving well and always seems to realize when I am nervous as he or she moves when I need him/her to.

Food cravings: Omelettes in the morning though I'm not sure this is a craving right now so much as a habit, Yogurt and Granola, cookies though I am staying away from the latter reasonably well.
Symptoms: Hip pain though it is abating a little bit maybe because I have been more active.  Some trouble sleeping and swollen ankles already.

Gender: I don't know!!!

Belly Button in or out: Flat

What I miss: Running though I may start a little bit again. I have started to walk at lunch and am hoping for more exercise as well.

What I am looking forward to: Holding my baby.

Weekly Wisdom: Slowing down is fine just don't let yourself stop.

Milestones: Reaching viability! Not that I want the baby to come out now but being here is a good feeling.

Feelings: Prone to depressive bouts still but a little better than I was.  I was a bit surprised by the weight gain this week and will try a few modifications.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Too quiet

Today the baby has been too quiet maybe because I've been so busy and stressed trying to get stuff done at work. It just seemed like the baby does not want to move around too much today. I keep reminding myself that because the placenta is in front I will be feeling the movements a little less certainly little differently. I still like the reassurance of the moments. 

After the kids are in bed I grabbed some ice cream. I think the baby likes the ice cream because now she or he is doing aerobics. I feel a little better now time to go to sleep. Good night.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Seeing the baby move

I looked down as the baby was kicking me this afternoon and i could actually see my belly move with the big kicks!  Talk about a big distraction!